


The reason why the imitation wood guardrail series products have a place in the construction and decoration industry is determined by their many advantages.


Environmental protection: Forest coverage is decreasing year by year worldwide, especially in China, and the corresponding sandstorm weather is increasing. Not only environmental experts but also the general public recognize the importance of trees. However, trees are an indispensable material in industries such as landscaping and construction. To protect the natural environment and meet the needs of the landscaping industry, alternative products can only be sought.


而仿木制品具有高仿真性,符合园林建造中所需木材的特点。仿木制品毫无疑问的成了木材的替代品、园林行业的新宠,也得到了广大人士的支持。 美观:毫无疑问美观是园林行业的首要标准,仿木制品引用技术、颜料在制作自然美观大方,亲近自然,逼真的原木效果的基础上,创造出了色泽自然、色彩华丽、丰富多样、图案美丽、式样典雅而的盆景、仿荷花、树木、办公桌、书架、沙发、厨柜等。甚变换出了比自然界更丰富的仿木制品,大大满足了园林人士的苛刻要求。

Imitation wood products have high fidelity and meet the characteristics of wood required in garden construction. Imitation wood products have undoubtedly become a substitute for wood, a new favorite in the landscaping industry, and have also received support from a large number of environmentalists. Aesthetics: Without a doubt, aesthetics are the primary standard in the landscaping industry. Imitation wood products use technology and pigments to create natural, beautiful, and realistic natural wood effects, creating bonsai, lotus like, trees, desks, bookshelves, sofas, kitchen cabinets, and more with natural colors, gorgeous colors, rich diversity, beautiful patterns, and elegant styles. Even more abundant imitation wood products have been transformed than in nature, greatly meeting the demanding requirements of landscape designers.

调节心情:自然植物具有调节平复人们心情的效果,所以马路绿化带都选择了绿化植物可以平复司机及乘客的烦躁心情,创造和谐马路。当人们忙碌带着疲惫的心情回到居住小区时,看到满眼自然景色(虽然是高仿但效果是一样的,人的眼睛都具有欺骗性)烦恼定会释然许多,心境定能平和不少。能促使人们把好心情带回家,带个亲人,更容易建造和谐社会。 养护简单:材质非常易于清理。      寿命长:克服了木材易腐烂、虫蚀、掉色的缺陷,选用材料,不怕日晒雨淋,颜色漂亮且持久,这些特点为其长寿命奠定了基础。仿木制品不但是装饰品,也是一种工艺品,具有一定的收藏价值。 出于对自然的保护,资源的节约,仿木护栏是当仁不让的。

Adjusting Mood: Natural plants have the effect of regulating and calming people's mood, so green plants have been chosen in road greenbelts to calm the restlessness of drivers and passengers, creating a harmonious road. When people return to their residential area with a tired mood after a busy day, seeing the natural scenery in their eyes (although it is highly imitated, the effect is the same, and people's eyes are deceptive) will definitely relieve their worries and bring peace of mind. It can encourage people to bring a good mood home, bring family, and make it easier to build a harmonious society. Easy maintenance: The material is very easy to clean. Long lifespan: Overcoming the defects of wood such as easy decay, insect erosion, and discoloration, using materials that are not afraid of sun or rain, the color is beautiful and long-lasting, laying the foundation for its long lifespan. Imitation wood products are not only decorative items, but also a type of handicraft with certain collectible value. For the protection of nature and resource conservation, it is imperative to use imitation wood guardrails.

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