

Imitation wood grain, imitation bark trash can, is a highly simulated handicraft. Using cement concrete as the main material, the surface is molded with imitation wood grain and bark technology. It has advantages such as good color, clear and realistic texture, durability, maintenance free, theft prevention, and natural beauty. It also has advantages such as anti-corrosion, water resistance, flame resistance, and weather resistance, surpassing other products, and is harmonious with the natural ecological environment. It is still the preferred product for public places such as tourist attractions, parks, communities, schools, etc. It not only meets the practical functions of modern garden facilities and outdoor leisure products, but also beautifies the environment, making it very popular.
与大自然和树林和谐增加亲情感。仿垃圾桶对木纹、年轮,以及外观色泽,都很贴切自然,材料由钢筋、混凝土做基材,抗折强度以及抗弯曲强度高。耐脏性好和耐腐蚀性高, 使用寿命长等特点,一般四年内都不需要任何维护,可以移动的,可现场制作,或者摸具生产都行。仿木垃圾桶是大力推行倡导的绿色产品,。保护了森林资源,达到殊途同归的目的。
Harmony with nature and the forest increases a sense of kinship. The imitation garbage bin is very natural in terms of wood grain, growth rings, and appearance color. The material is made of steel bars and concrete as the base material, with high flexural and bending strength. Good dirt resistance, high corrosion resistance, long service life, etc. Generally, it does not require any maintenance for four years. It can be moved, made on-site, or produced with molds. The imitation wood garbage bin is a green and environmentally friendly product vigorously promoted,. We have protected forest resources and achieved the goal of achieving the same goal through different paths.
垃圾桶的作用很大,不仅方便人们的生活,更重要的是对我们的环境有很大的帮助,能够使我们的环境保持整洁。垃圾桶有好多种,包括:塑料垃圾桶,纸质垃圾桶还有仿木垃圾桶。仿木垃圾桶就是从外观上看仿木工艺制作出来的产品从外观上看,仿木和真正木头制品的视觉效果不相上下,能以假乱真,甚难以区分,但从使用寿命上说仿木栏杆要原有于真木,经过年长日久风吹日晒也不会腐蚀褪色 ,更不会生虫,即又了木材紧缺的窘况。 仿木垃圾桶的做工精致,而且外观漂亮。这样既经济又。
The function of garbage bins is great, not only facilitating people's lives, but more importantly, it is of great help to our environment and can keep it clean. There are many types of trash cans, including plastic trash cans, paper trash cans, and imitation wood trash cans. The imitation wood trash can is a product made with imitation wood technology from the perspective of appearance. From the perspective of appearance, the visual effects of imitation wood and real wood products are on par, and can be confused with real wood, even difficult to distinguish. However, in terms of service life, the imitation wood railing should be original to real wood, and after years of wind and sun exposure, it will not corrode, fade, or grow insects, which is environmentally friendly and solves the problem of wood shortage. The workmanship of the imitation wood garbage bin is exquisite, and the appearance is beautiful. This is both economical and environmentally friendly.
1.寿命长 可以抵抗风吹日晒,长期潮湿浸水等等各种长期的恶劣环境。
1. Long lifespan can withstand various long-term harsh environments such as wind, sun, and long-term wet immersion.
2.成本相对略低 材料获取容易。
2. The cost is relatively low, and it is easy to obtain materials.
3.牢不可摧 时间越长,抗压程度越高。
3. The longer the indestructible time, the higher the degree of stress resistance.
4.耐腐蚀性 对大气、水和一般浓度的酸、碱、盐以及多种油类和溶剂都有很强的抵抗能力。
4. Corrosion resistance has strong resistance to atmospheric, water, and general concentrations of acids, alkalis, salts, as well as various oils and solvents.
5.绝缘性强 作为建筑物材料的水泥是优良的绝缘材料,高频下仍能保护良好介电性。
5. Cement, as a building material with strong insulation, is an excellent insulation material that can still protect good dielectric properties at high frequencies.
6.耐水性强 养护较佳的水泥长期浸泡于水中可以长期保持原有的硬度和坚固程度。
6. Cement with strong water resistance and better maintenance can maintain its original hardness and firmness by long-term immersion in water.
This article comes from: Shandong Imitation Wood Garbage Bin. For more information, please click on: http://www.jnxltjc.com We will provide a satisfactory service for the questions you ask. Welcome to call us!




